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Project R.E.D Team x SVA NatCon 2022!


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Hope For The Day’s Project R.E.D Team recently attended Student Veterans of America National Conference (SVA NatCon) to distribute resources and start the conversation about mental health in the student veteran community. This education continues that conversation as a free in-person, peer-led, clinically backed mental health education and proactive suicide prevention programming! This was designed for members of the military, veterans, and their families!

This 60 minute presentation navigates the unique mental health challenges that come with the lifestyle of committing oneself to public safety and the protection of others. 

Learn how to start the conversation proactively when it comes to mental health for yourselves and the people you care about; your friends, family, co-workers. If we dismantle stigmas and make it OK to talk about mental health, we can save lives.

For more information on SVA NatCon visit

For more information on Project R.E.D Team visit


Please pass along this invite to the people you care about so they can join you in the mission of proactive prevention! It’s more important than ever that we Remind Everyone Deployed IT’S OK NOT TO BE OK®.